
And just so's you know, this guy I know who claims to be a social media writer is angry that two days after the episode people are posting "SPOILERS". Damn, son!

And just so's you know, this guy I know who claims to be a social media writer is angry that two days after the episode people are posting "SPOILERS". Damn, son!

You are aware that there is a thing called television and on it they show shows?

I will admit to a certain amount of vanity. I color my hair, and have since I was, say, 15. DAMN SON quit getting the Manic Panic Goth Black! You just look…dumb. dumb as hell. I suspect Mitch McConnell must have a Sanctuary of 1000 testicles to keep these creatures around and docile…

I'm a sucker. The Big Ed and Norma scene was just so, so good. Like a treat from David Lynch for putting up with ALL that darkness. Stilgar gets laid! And Catharine Coulson - those lines, at the camera, while she is really dying. Someone down the thread called her brave, and I totally agree. Hawk? The best thing an

Benjen ex machina! With Thoros of Myr gone, will we see Melisandre return and die after coaxing one more rebirth? Poor, poor dragon. Come here kitty, you get extra treats tonight! Also, watching GoT right after Twin Peaks? MY BRAIN IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS (full of terrors)…

The down side is that we would then get a tweet from new president Pence announcing the formation of the new womens health collective the Handmaids.

That whole business. Then later, I think that was why Trump had his first meeting with Japanese PM Abe in private, so no one could see him bow.


I still think that album was stunningly underrated…

Huey Lewis or Frankie Goes to Hollywood?

"You treat your emotions like a potluck dinner of the mind, sampling without filling your plate. Tell me Will, what kind of potato salad will you bring to this investigation?"

I guess Melisandre's been hiding in a guest room? Or did the show specifically show her leaving already?

OK, the Senate Leadership Fund is an offshoot of KARL ROVE'S American Crossroads and One Nation (dark money). Contributors include Sheldon Adelson and the Walton family, so we are talking BIG money. They support McConnell and the list of recipients of funds is a Who's-Who of awfulness. With Adelson, I expect (and he

To be honest, touring is a pretty grueling job (esp. with Gira as head honcho), so he could take a lot of guff and keep grinding away. And he's written extensively about working with his depression, which helped me out, so, yeah, he's as qualified as many, many politicians and then some.

Funny how secrets travel.

ROY!! Hey, Mrs. S!

If I am not mistaken, the "Sleep" guy was a young poet named John Giorno, who is still around and "assisted" both Mapplethorpe and W.S. Burroughs with their deaths. He is also a Buddhist in the Tibetan tradition and the inventor of Dial-A-Poem in NYC. Kind of a fan…

Nigh Court's own John Larroquette!

I don't want to say anything negative but NO.