
Two more: the tartare and steak Aida at the Highland Tap, with martinis, old-school onion soup, and people I love. And the dinner I had after hitting the jackpot in Las Vegas. For four hours, I was "Mr. Allen", led into hidden doors that held private dining rooms, and treated like the undeservedly wealthy. It was

Being able to afford dinner at Nikolai's Roof with my girlfriend AND parents on Christmas Eve. My mom, who is from rural Georgia, saw the harpist playing and in her eyes I saw what she was like as a little girl. The food was good too. Woodfire Grill in Atlanta, the secret cheese club and dinner party, where William

Not on your life my Hindu friend!

Is it just me, or does this entire collection of assholes seem like the desperate graspings of ancient know-nothings trying to wheedle one last bit of universal relevancy before their inevitable (and not near soon enough) death? And the lackeys that they con into being their future avatars, whether Mooch, Senator


I'd like to think you are right about the "get to the ship and off Euron" thing, but we see Euron in Kings Landing hauling Yara and a Sand Snake…but hell, this is indeed GoT…maybe he just kills Cersei? I mean, Maggie didn't say from which family that valonquar would come…I may also be full of poop…like the Citadel!

Having a relative with a mentally unstable child, Excision was really, REALLY sad for me. No horror movie jump cuts or anything like that, just a sick girl going down hard and ruining her life while she ruins others. But it sure as hell stuck with me, for sure…

Don't knock Jones!

The name Mahershala comes from the longest name in the bible, Mahershala-Hashbaz, from (if I recall correctly) was in Esther 8:1. Either way, GOOD.

Hey, I like the settlers who LIVED, alright, didn't get captured? (I am so sorry)…


I played Touchstone (yeah, yeah) as a drunk who lived in a VAN down by THE RIVER. No, really!

That "bum-bum-pa-DUMM-FREEOOOooow…" one?

I can dig it. BUT - Ed Wood (the movie) was just so, so good. This? Considering the cast and crew it could go either way. I had no idea there was a BOOK. Also RIP Martin Landau - "Eddie, what am I going to do?" broke my heart.

Ah, go ahead and do the Rifftrax. When my friends told me about the Room I thought maybe they had missed something, some weird-ass message. I was wrong. Just so, so wrong. I learned a lesson that day about pretension, MY pretension, and film. OH HAI DOKKIE!

Ooh, looks like A24 might have backed their first dog. As opposed to goat, you see. (taking the lowest-hanging)…

"Sweet Dreams"? Really? That is just…the laziest.

SWANS. From Children of God to the last record. If you count Angels of Light, even more.


Age drug. WTF?