
PUT. THE. MASK. ON. NOW! PUT. THE. MASK. ON. NOW! Lux-Interior-style trippy sequences, and someone found the actual mask in a Spanish museum! Now, to just…try it on…

Kill Bill. The whole goddamn thing. Just 35 hours of bullshit that I wanted the Girl (what's her name? Winona? Eve?) to give ME her poison.

Death - the ultimate high!

I'm just saying…

In Welsh accent: "The ketten woos foine."

LECTER: Piracy was once a dangerous way to make a living, and not only for the pirate. Tell me Will, when the pirates arrive, will you be trodden down like a victim? Or will you partake of the booty?

February? Cripes you blowholes! Has Mr. Tastee taught you nothing???

Listen you BLOWHOLES, at least they aren't on an episode of Scab Talk.

THANK you! Jeez!

Combined with the whole transgender thing in the first episode, I'm starting to wonder if my dear old dad was a ghost writer for this miniseries…

What a beastly shambles of an episode! Ham-fisted 'Mooslim' caricatures, Lauren Ambrose crawling up my back like a monkey of annoyance, and a haw-haw 'tripping' scene that Roger Corman would be ashamed of. The rambling non-ex-machine at the end was tired, even for (or maybe especially for) the X-files. 'Achy Breaky

Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo! (We would also have accepted 'Cornflakes. Cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes!')

That's no man…
I got nuthin'…

100 years ago I worked at a retail store in Atlanta. Steven Tyler came in, and did indeed scat his way to the bathroom, on the phone!

And four papadums?

Oh Alice, how could you? I know, most people didn't get 'Welcome 2 My Nightmare', but I mean it hurts even using the number '2' in one of your albums! It's just…unseemly. And I like your golf game!

I think Radiohead covering the soundtrack to The Point (Nillson, you furry sons of bitches!) would be great! I've seen the Koyaanisqaatsi soundtrack done at the Fox in Atlanta - GO SEE THIS if you can. All you need is Philip Glass to do a residency in your town…lots of orchestras are doing LOTR…or they were, anyway.

Beat me to it!!

I've been punk since back in the DAY, man! Green Day Lollapalooza 95 was the REAL year punk broke!!

I know, right? It's Megadeth, NOT Anthrax!