
Or come to Puerto Rico. PLEASE! Seriously, please come and spend money. Our women are hot, our men handsome and more gentlemanly and less chauvinist than cuban men. Our food is the same. You don’t need a passport, you’re not leaving the US. We got great cigars as well, and delicious rum.

People in those cultures also know, that coconut fat is bad fat just like any other fat. You just eat it cause you need it and up until recently, people just ate to survive. To this day most people can’t afford extra calories.

I don’t get the reference.... was the ovaltine from where he got the secret decoder ring? I’m lost, elucidate it for me, please!

Thing is, surgeons are the jocks of the medical world. Skill, sure. Brains? Debatable.

It’s hard, but not every poor person is the archetype (not stereotype, since it’s real, and not a pejorative assessment) of poor (due to limited options, not poor judgement) financial choices because of more immediate needs. Some are very good scroungers and super couponers and will plan out purchases months in

The funny part is I was about to make a comment about how level headed and actually fair this thread has been, and has managed to avoid the pitfalls of “they’re poor, thye must act like it”.

Not everything is an ignorant indictment of everyone on welfare man, chill.

I think both sides of an argument are winners if they learn/teach something new to/from the other party.

um, where do you get that number? it’s at most half that. Not the entire population is eligible to vote, and of that population only a small percentage will actually go to any one given election.

why are you grey????

why are you grey????

Greater Toronto ARea

The sad part is that this is more food, and looks like it had more production value when it was fresh, than anything available at Fyre Fest.

Woops, slip of the finger, I have used a female pronoun for her for a long while, just kind of forgot the subject in this asynchronous conversation.

And isn’t that evidence? The fact that such materiel existed,w as catalogued and no disciplinary action or acknowledgement had taken place is proof that the appropriate

How do they enter characters? Is it chorded entry? Really curious.

See the above comment about precedent. If a company does not zealously protect it’s IP it can be argued that it is abandoned IP, and thus, not protected.

Are they for real????? This has to be a joke on audiophiles, I mean, what i could gather is that they use this shit on their audio systems?!??! Is it for real????

I had to stop it after one minute, but i’ll give him props for writing a 3:40 song about basic solutions. :-P

But exploiting a publicly leaked exploit that someone else obtained, and botching it with the amateur shit described here, is withing their realm. Not to mention the Lazarus group is believe to be backed and funded by NK, not comprised of north koreans.

I think you need to research what “alternate timeline” means a little bit more...

You seem like a shitty human, so fitting then.

Dude, have you seen the shit that was published about hitler and Hirohito during the war? Or during the spanish-US war of 1898 about either side? Or about the soviets during the cold war? And Ukraine and Russia are defacto at war.