
It’s for the back taper, as seen on the picture.

It’s for the back taper, as seen on the picture.

For the reasons stated. For the same reason it’s wrong for you to coordinate your story with other officers and change even one iota from the truth. For the same reason you separate suspects.

But you already know that, don’t you, officer?

Hmm, that’s a nice work around. I always give my mail carrier the same crappy gift of a Chili’s gift card because of this rule! Too bad she’s been transferred now. New dude has broken records I was expecting for a long while and are collector items. :-/

Nah, he’s a troll. Troll methodology is independent of defended ideology.

I wonder at what latitude and altitude above sea level you live....

I live near the Equator, and I can tell you: shit’s changed. Shit’s changed for the much worse. Shit’s changed to a point where it is almost unbearable for half the year and to the point where a LOT of land has been lost to the sea.

To be fair, a big chunk of hard science students are incredibly ignorant of any knowledge beyond their immediate field!

Yes, I’m poli sci and sociology. :-P (But I also had faculties fighting over me. I just thought SoSci would be a walk in the park compared to org chem! haha

You poor naive fool. They want no help! They know we’ve answered this already, they just refuse to acknowledge the answers!

All intellectually differently abled people I know believe in climate science... Just saying....

The problem is that you’re saying this about research that has already answered these questions, and then saying “those aren’t satisfactory answers, I refuse to accept them”.

Well, if you question gravity, you’ll be justly ridiculed, why should it be different for anything else that is empirically demonstrable?

No, it’s a matter of use of drugs that actually lead to a lousy and potentially costly or dangerous employee are easier to hide than a substance that is greatly beneficial to a lot of people i na therapeutic capacity.

Because it’s a matter of principle and a matter of not worrying about coming in one day to be randomly drug tested and humiliated for a little weed, while the coke head that did $500 of coke on friday with money he stole from the company pisses clean cause it’s wednesday and he’s clean.

Did you mean when “it” came out, or was there just a coincidence in verbiage and subject matters?

The way you so convincingly defended state military action against civilians both scares me and makes me like you, since it’s obvious you’re playing devil’s advocate, and a very talented devil’s advocate.

Centipedes are scary enough as is. Those motherfuckers HURT!

I very seriously fell in love with the Bose model’s face! I need to hire her for a part in a short film I’m making. :-P

I very seriously fell in love with the Bose model’s face! I need to hire her for a part in a short film I’m making.

I think he’s either saying they project prerecorded sequences on fog or that they claim they’ve invented shit that is commonplace quite often.

I think he was referring to drops laced with another substance.

Life isn’t a 1950's sitcom.

You just made it so I can’t watch my dog poop ever again.

That that that was the highlight of my day.

(I’ll also laugh every time I do this move, which i’ve been doing for years too.)