No, it's the antisexy!
No, it's the antisexy!
There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.
From the Webster dictionary:
Far Cry 2 made me stop and pause the game for several minutes. I was sniping from a hill to take out an enemy outpost. I hit one guy in the leg, incapacitating him. I thought he would just crumple over like any other game enemy does after a few seconds, but then I saw another enemy run over to him and start to drag…
I'm offended this movie is coming out at all.
I think that I, like many people, aren't offended but just amazed at the oversight.
Why Warner Brothers is completely ignoring "World's Finest" is amazing to me.
Comic fans would understand it immediately, plus non-comic fans would understand the importance of it based on that title alone.
Instead WB wants to show everyone how incompetent they are.
Don't worry, it's the sequel to Man of Steel... which was awful.
Fixed. What is with all this click bait headlines lately?
That's absolutely 100% right. Look at the difference between how a guy like Michael Vick, or even Plaxico Burress, was treated and how Mayweather and other batterers are treated.
More people would have seen it, but the hosts of that show are so overbearingly talky and annoying that no one makes it through the first 5 minutes.
It's when consumers got so brainwashed that they start defending greedy corporations who don't give a shit about them that we know we've reached a new low.
It's time. If you don't have a Wii U, it's time to get one.
similarly, loved Orlando Bloom as Legolas in Lord of the Rings (less of a fan of him shoehorned into the Hobbit films, but I am no longer 15...) but in other things...meh! From subsequent crushes and relationships, I don't think it was the long blonde wig so much as the martyrish aloofness. Which is a terrible quality…
Ha! I call this "Fox Mulder Syndrome" because I looooooooooooove foxy wonderful sexy lovely perfect Fox but am not at all interested in David Duchovny, nor any other characters he plays.
I've always had a crush on Indiana Jones. My friends are like, "You mean Harrison Ford?" No I mean Indiana Jones. He's smart, attractive, adventurous, witty and a professor. I like all those qualities and he's the best combination of all the things I like. I've always said that my perfect man is a mix of Indiana…
This is what I've always loved about his Transformers movies, even when they miss the mark. They might technically be "live action" films, but they're so drenched in the maximalist beauty and bombast of the summer blockbuster that they still feel like the cartoons from whence they came. And like any good cartoon, they…
I host trivia a couple nights a week. It makes pretty good money (600 a month) for about 7 extra hours of work a week, and the bars normally give me free food and beer while I'm there. Basically, I get paid to go eat bar food, drink, flirt, and occasionally ask trivia questions.