
Nope. They just always remade the suit for each film. It's not a terrible looking suit but it looks awkward at that angle. check it out here:

Perfect Dark's multiplayer was way ahead of its time (namely saving all your stats and giving you a ranking that rises as you play more matches) - unfortunately not enough people had the expansion pack required to enjoy it at its fullest. I spent the summer of 2000 playing Perfect Dark with a friend ranking our

Ubisoft: making the post-apocalyptic near-future world safe for white people since 2000.

Seth MacFarlane sucks.

I would have to agree with you there. I've made a point of trying to meet every Star Wars actor and actress I get the chance to, and the really nice ones are usually the British actors.

A VERY long time ago, 8 year old me met him at my first convention, and was completely awestruck. He took my dad and I to lunch because he was just taking his break, and wanted to talk to his "biggest fan". Still to this day one of my best memories ever.

And the oversaturization of zombies in pop culture marches on...

There is no "winning" in this situation and I don't care about team glory or any of that. Personal pride and self-respect should take priority. Just imagine the kind of message that would send to the rest of the country.

Yes! But it does depend somewhat on the character/actor. Treme or no Treme, Bunk will always be Bunk forever. For.Ever. I have watched the "fuck" scene with him and McNulty a gazillion times because it is perfect. And I love Treme!

People who don't understand economics make the kind of comment you see above.

exactly my thought. this is a 'roman empire is falling' type of spectacle that gives me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Meanwhile, people continue to starve and be without shelter all over the world while others destroy expensive electronics for an attention grabbing gag.

Yeah. I'm not even the biggest Batman fan and even I can tell this is trying way too hard to be edgy and deep.

Looks like nobody else is going to take this side, so I will.

=/ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six for the PC is the first FPS I've owned. I remember it came with this strategy guide and Rogue Spear. I loved it as a kid for the snow level and the night vision. My brother and I had a blast playing that game.

If you think comment moderation is somehow a restriction on "free speech", you have a very limited understanding of what that term means.

Good. Blubb about the loss of a free internet all you like, but seriously at some point you gotta ask yourself if what you're losing was worth having in the first place. I'd rather have a few more restrictions in place - that's the price we pay for a civilized society.

The best, and I mean THE BEST thing about the "I played them and I'm fine" argument, is that these people demonstrate the exact apathy and lack of empathy that is the concern for most people about these games... by uttering that very statement. It's such a beautiful contradiction.

I don't think I've ever seen an action figure look more like an actual person ever. I mean, this is better than any statue, waxwork, anything.

This might be the coolest action figure I've ever seen!