
I think that’s been the one thing I’ve appreciated about this show, other than the actors. They took a self contained, bleak and batshit story that I didn’t think had any social relevance and actually said something about society in a way in the show. This show is about race and racism. It’s a legit story that, for

Agreed. He cynically killed Trek as far as I’m concerned. 


That no liberal would say that much of the material was subpar is amazing to me. Smoky eye was clever. The attacks on the media were ok. But her Trump material could’ve been written by a junior high student. Jeez. He’s the worst president in history and she went for the obvious instead of getting him at his perceived

How exactly does making a huge joke out of it work out then?

What else do these people do but try to appropriate whatever is in front of them for their benefit?

I know what you meant, I think. It’s special to have such a wide range of talents. That’s very cool. It’s like an operational talent base that gets out there, solves problems and makes stuff happen.

Count yourself fortunate that you are talented. Many aren’t and they’re out there doing all this crap anyway. It’s got to be very demoralizing for them.

Lando was a major character and probably the best actor of the ensemble. It’s a crime he isn’t in the new films, but I’d rather have him out than used as a cheap plot device like that. Holy shit.

I’m not sure I get you?

If the whole story started with the turning of Ben Solo to the dark side, perhaps we’d have a whole different, more satisfying story on our hands?

Great points. What about the final Snoke scene got you?

The originals hold a place in many people’s hearts because they were romantic and they depicted genuine heroism, despite many weaknesses, etc. I wanted to be Luke Skywalker so bad it hurt and it even effected my career choices. So really, I can see why people are disappointed in Luke’s portrayal in this film.

You’ve spoken a lot of truth. The bottom line is, the Republicans will close ranks while Democrats throw themselves on their swords to prove how righteous they are to a country that has shown, straight up shown, it could care less about true righteousness. Democrats need to stop these empty gestures, figure out what

From the bottom of my jaded heart, I thank you.

Not to burst anyone’s postmodern philosophical bubble, but Star Wars is a very basic good vs. evil story and so far, the Sith most definitely are doing the evil. What “place” would the dark side have? Preserving statues of old Sith Lords? Chanting that they “won’t be replaced” by the Jedi? Maybe Palpatine was really

The Yelp reviews of the eclipse. That’s what I want to see to really reduce this glorious display of natures power to something utterly disposable.

It’s a great but flawed show that delivers on some of the promise of the original. The great is so enjoyable that it makes the flaws bearable.

I join you in utter amazement at this. Someone like this is actually an ( pardon the term) “influencer?” He’s got what? A high school education video games? I weep for this country.

Stuff like this speaks to a wider problem with the, and I say it with great respect, the millennial audience. My best buddy is an adjunct English professor and he tells me so many tales of papers written by freshmen who can throw words around and who are so painfully confident, but who have no clue what they’re