Don Lemon saying something offensive to Kathy Griffin is newsworthy?
Don Lemon saying something offensive to Kathy Griffin is newsworthy?
I just sat through Murray Christmas ‘cause my nephew thought it was cool and except for the irritation at the half assed “acting”he does, I’ve already forgotten the thing. It’s absolutely amazing how the media can make a self indulgent performer with limited comedic skills some kind of a saint with a little creative…
The nice thing about Hunger Games is it wasn’t solely about Katniss’s feelings for Peeta. It was about the big themes, like freedom, etc. When the entire world is being decimated and millions are dying, are we really supposed to cheer for one person? Complete with YA movie voiceover? Please.
I struggle with reading a Gawker article that doesn’t sound like a snarky teenager wrote it. I’ll be back, Michael. This sounds like actual adult talk happens here.
Yeah. I went to the Christian Church. You know. The one church all of us go to and everyone was talking about it.
JJ has given a TED talk about his “Mystery Box” approach. Google it. it’s very widely known. He cowrote this new film. He called the shots with his team on Into Darkness and all the stuff he has produced. It’s the “Lost” approach, which boils down to overselling a mystery in the plot and not adequately resolving it.…
The article makes a point about JJ’s “storytelling” strategy and makes it clearly. How do you not see that?
Here’s a clear, very critical article about his “magic mystery box” you snide little geek. If you don’t like an opinion, try learning from it rather than attacking it right away.
No, no. Not “the rest of us.”
I guess you’d have to know how JJ produces pretty much everything and be kind of an astute consumer to get what I am saying.
Pretty sure its supposed to.
And Luke Skywalker is benched in JJ’s “Mystery Box” marketing...uh, I mean, plot strategy, waiting to be unveiled. Sigh.
Thank you. The answer is he is a twisted motherfucker. A lot of people have tragedies. It’s the response that makes you who you are. His answer is to become a murdering monster. He’s a twisted being who gets redeemed in the end.
I used to work hospitality gigs with a bunch of comedians and stand-ups. All somebody would have to do is say a word like “egg” or “tree” and you’d get this chorus of random associations and supposedly insightful comedic turns about whatever topic it was. It got old really, really quick and I thanked God I had a…
Counterpoint: I think it is a goddam miracle and a victory for the Bible belt folks that there was only one holdout like this. A lot of them sucked it up and did their duty as public servants without resorting to this sideshow. I certainly hope the next Gawker “look at all these horrible religious people” post takes…
I wonder if this is how it went with the Titanic. It’s a huge tragedy for about ten years and then, after just one generation, it’s the butt of jokes like, “We’re just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic here...” Hilarious for some, I guess.
Y’know what’s funny...I always get geek shamed by people when I say stuff like “I don’t go for all these complicated games and MMO’s. Games are a tension reliever for me. It’s got to be easy. It lasts a half hour tops and I’m back to real life” and they’re all like “Gasp! You infidel!”
I think anyone casting any kind of judgement on these people’s personal lives is out of their fucking minds. I wouldn’t want to live for a day in that dehumanizing zoo they exist in.
It’s kind of weird to see enemies just standing there or obediently marching into your line of fire to be shot at in a game that’s made for 2015, but for fans, I’m sure its great.