
Look, I’m not one of these people who thrives on long, drawn out internet debates so I’ll be brief. I think the fact that the line that is repeated over and over, “The Force is strong with him” and “The Force is strong in my family” is a pretty clear indication Skywalker is considered “special” in the story. If you

Splitting hairs really finely here. He became a Jedi because he was special. He was victorious because he was special. The Force is strong with him, etc. Come on. Even his choice to spare his father is because he is morally evolved. He is special.

No, you didn’t answer that. You offered your opinion. We’re both opining and speculating here.

And why do these “plucky underdogs” succeed?

I think this is a “media theory” that reviewers throw out there and see if it sticks. Aren’t all American movies, especially Disney/Pixar cartoons for the general public about “special people” being treated badly by someone else? I think he is an efficient “event director” who makes big projects work, that’s all.


Anyone know what comic this is in reference to? Is Lex experimenting on him?

Lol...yeah, that’s it. My inability to understand “Whine! I just wanna do what I want cause I want it!” That’s got to be it.

If she looks anatomically correct to you, then I think you probably need to step away from the console for a while there

Hey, I must be a “Morality Crusader” because I’m not brainwashed into thinking that the market should do whatever the hell it wants just so the market can perpetuate itself. Morals exist, kid, whether or not you want to recognize them and while I cannot say I have time for an indepth moral analysis here, I think the

You’re right and all the arguments against you are absurd. Morality should not be decided by an industry that caters to teenage boys. Preach on.

When I first moved to NYC, I met a lot of people who “don’t talk to their parents/families” any more and encouraged me to do the same. And then I worked in a chemical addiction clinic, where people who had lived through torture and abuse at their parents hands had either grieved their loss or loved and forgiven them.

And the chill the first time you encounter the Dark Trooper. Holy crap!

Sports journalists give this man a pass every day because he supposedly brings revenue to boxing. They are, however, seemingly blind to the fact that Floyd damages the profitability and image of the sport by his vampiric presence, which makes the boxing look low class and eclipses boxers who would be decent

I had no problem with the tone, look, etc. but as someone who lived through what that film tried very hard to visually reference, I’ve just got to chime in that to me and to others, the destruction was offensive in its scale and what it said about the character. As was Zod’s death.

I agree. I guess what gives me some peace about it is that it’s still a game script, rather than a feature of some kind. It would still be super cool if it was leaked out, but I don’t know if we’d get more than exposition and several versions of “oofs” from them.

That, the bulky outfit and the buzzed hair. Not for me.

Design looks weird to me.

“Stephen A. Smith is not a journalist.”

I’d hope these things are decals or something because I can see this makeup job lasting a good, long time if they’re done by hand every day. Holy cow.