
I find it sad that nestled in many of these posts that bash religion in one way or another on Gawker and related sites, as I have read many, no one will acknowledge that it is the personal vendetta of the blogger and their own axe to grind against intolerant people from their personal life that motivates them. Not a

Yeah, dial b for blog has a devastating takedown of Bob Kane and his work. Funny that Kane actually wrote about meeting Finger in passing toward the end of his life and how sad he was that Finger never amounted to anything. He was the one who screwed him!

This said it all for me.

"'s a shame to see such a transparently cynical project taking up so much of people's time and attention."

If this returns him to being a detective and a more humane human being, I'm all for it. Let's see what he's really made of. I think it could be a much needed shot in the arm for the character's story. Let him use his head for a while.

Actually, it is the only example.

I'm the most liberal religious person anyone has ever met, but I am nonetheless disgusted with how much outright bigotry against us he gets people to laugh at in the clear light of day. It goes to show that an adoring cult of personality will overlook anything if it appeals to their own biases.

$14.99 for what appears to be a novelty? No thanks.

I think a really healthy way to look at gaming is to compare it to the boring, weird ways past generations used to "game" together. My parents used to bowl with friends. It became a pass time. They did a weekly league and they even hung out with a few pro bowlers a few times. They had some laughs.

I'm fairly new here but...would I be too cynical a person to say that I do not expect content from a site like this to be overly critical of gaming or the industry in general and, if it leans one way, it would be to lean in a "promotional" direction? I think people try to be objective somewhat, but aren't sites like

They should have done Facility instead. This map was too hard.

If Nintendo was smart, an independent project would be way more effective than just grabbing some random character and naming it "Robin." If Nintendo has a brain and a heart, they will do something hopefully a little more poignant and meaningful.

I never understood the draw. Watching Braff's empty gaze long? It felt like forever. I think it's telling that, despite the film's popularity, no one at the studios was chasing him for a follow up and he had to pass the tin cup on kickstarter( in 2013 no less) for his last project.

So by "after" you're saying that the period since 2009 hasn't been the equivalent of "after?" For the general public it has.

She's a great fucking actress, too.

Extremism is not a fervent is a perversion.

I have found my Gawker "education" has been all about how shouting extreme opinions that lack nuance( "Best ___ ever!" "We just all need to __!") while creating the illusion that this model is somehow "smarter" or "more independent" than real journalism a big lesson in what really drives the net. Nobody cares unless

So we're clear, it's supposedly "gay marriage" that's going to ruin the dignity of male/female relationships.

Yeah, stuff like this is an innocent mistake. I am far more offended by the many movie makers who purposefully use images from that day in their movies.

The idea that we're all free agents and able to do whatever we want is one way of looking at things, but there are others, such as being concerned for the common good upfront. Looking at what's happening and asking what happens to vulnerbale people who maybe are more prone to addiction.