
I think the question is the same as to the makers of things like what extent is the product itself addictive? Nicotine is a hell of a drug, period. If you take it, your body is hooked. The industry hid that evidence and defended their right to distribute nicotine in the form of cigarettes for decades.

I think Snyder's style, which is barely relatable on a human level and makes everything feel like a comic book panel, (like in all the wrong ways), is probably the single worst approach to handle this "new era" film. Look at how light, fun and relatable Avengers was. All we're going to get here is sparks, rain and

Well...there is all the crap Gawker has ever said about CrossFit. Would that be the answer to the trick question?

An interesting story on Gawker that is not snarky or hyperbolic, but about bravery and human decency? Hail to you Benjamin Prescott.

I would have loved to be there for that little moment on the set.

Picture if you will, pre-crisis Tiger Woods calling his opponents bitches, making racial slurs and carrying around a bag of money to his interviews. The stress you feel while imagining this scenario is the wonder and incredulity your mind is telling you about the difference between a sport that is civilized, at least

Maybe I'm a moron, but I would think a 5 foot gymnast would kick the shit out of that course. She's light and strong and used to moving...well...just like that, right?

I love how the announcers are using their "sports announcer technical bullshit" talk to try to make this seem like a real sport. It is totally cool to see of course, but all those sports terms and tropes are hilarious.

Anyone who has ever been on a set has seen things twenty times worse than this.

That's it right there. I am just amazed at how many people get so fucking defensive and nasty when people criticize their favorite movies or games anymore. I am being trolled by some huge fan of the recent Godzilla movie, who defends to the hilt the use of images of real life tragedies in the film as if it's their

LOL..yeah, that would be unfortunate...but he'd work himself into being quite a shot with a bow and arrow!

Got a thing for Agent Scully but could care less about Gillian Anderson( though she's a hell of an actress). I get it. It's healthy.

My ex had her Pat Kiernan thing( yes...Pat Kiernan) and I raised her with a Julianne Moore thing because I thought I should point out how ridiculous it was.

Defenders are at a distinct disadvantage.

slow news day i guess.

I think I'm missing how handling dildos is exposing a kid to anything natural, beautiful or even human about sex.

Super. Looking forward to a sequel to the kaiju film that did not trade in images of real tragedies over and over to achieve "realism." I thought the characters were a little shallow, but the action was super fun to watch.

Regardless, tactical player-versus-player shooting is what Rainbow Six has always been good at executing. Our first few rounds were an embarrassing display of amateur moves—my teammate actually killed me with friendly fire early in one round, and I spent the rest of my time switching camera angles to tell them where

Lindsay Lohan is acting in a David Mamet play in London, according to the New York Times. What a sentence that was

My money is on Raven, Hawkwoman or Oracle. Big Barda is a cool character but is in need of some rebranding PR in a big way.