Thanks! Yeah, it does look better from that angle. G v. Mothra was always a fave. I think there's something about that empty, mean ass look in his eye that feels most like a monster to me. Are those pics in the right order?
Thanks! Yeah, it does look better from that angle. G v. Mothra was always a fave. I think there's something about that empty, mean ass look in his eye that feels most like a monster to me. Are those pics in the right order?
Anybody beat this thing? I've been hoping to get another crack at it cause I played it til my eyes bled but I never could stop Hans.
Thanks for the retrospective. Second one is hideous! Did they lose the first costume or something?
Curious about the evolution of the phrase "we all deserve" when it comes to frivilous luxuries. Anyone?
I intro'd my girl to it when we started dating. It's our favorite "cool down" experience when we study too hard. One shot kill,baby.
Could a subtitle of this article be something about a two-bit artist deluding the fuck out of himself about the significance of his work?
Made love to her for the first time in late January. Was the best I'd had and thought I ever would have. One week we thought she was pregnant and it got even better, as it has each and every time. I think its just love, frankly, but its the sexiest thing I've ever experienced.
Does anyone else think that using this horrible person and this horrible tragedy as a touchstone for a realistic, far reaching talk about gender and violence is dooming the conversation from the start? The problems in this culture do not reside in the lone mentally ill sociopath who should have been in a hospital, but…
He's a smug douchebag. I want to see the diabolical back room dealing that landed him Charlize Theron and Liam fucking Neeson. Somebody's agent has pics of people in compromising positions somewhere, that's all I have to say.
Manny's won 2 fights since the KO. The second, spectacularly.
1) No such thing as registered hands.
Yet another untreated, seriously mentally ill person gets to become the temporary focus of our fear and disgust. And, of course, another nice chunk of change for anyone involved in Gawker's monetizing strategy.
Good for him. He's true to himself and not selling out.
He whined, clutching his Star Wars blanket.
Just watched some video about him getting a full suit from fans and you'd think he was being knighted. Kinda funny that people project all badassery on Boba Fett and the actor is such a nice dude!
Just curious. Sounds like something a Brit actor would do, as so many of them are from the theater and seem to have a little more grounded way about them. What a nice memory.
Holy crap. That's very nice of him. Brit?
I love you, whoever you are. This is how I feel exactly.
The ShowBox guys have all recently commented on how Maidana is employing way more lateral movement and defensive work, so he's more than you give him credit for but he knew what he had to do with Floyd, which was rough him up, cause as you say, if youget into those pitty-pat exchanges with him, you will most…
Dude, if you're gonna go to all the trouble to getting those sweet villains, then why settle for the old, boring all black Bat-outfit? Come on...give me something with some style.