It made me a Clive Owen fan, because he knew how to act through all that crap, but the rest of it was laughable.
It made me a Clive Owen fan, because he knew how to act through all that crap, but the rest of it was laughable.
Actually this gives me more hope than anything I've read. Expanded Universe stuff is( theoretically) the commodity that rides the coattails of the (theoretically) "legit" creative work. At least that's the way it was back in the old days. Of course since this is a JJ production, it's all commodity now.
Gotta disagree. I got so tired of Tobey's big, unblinking eyes and mumbly voice as the sole characterization. I think Garfield is a way, way more skilled actor.
So, let's see...if Steve Harvey represents the most thoughtful Christian you could find on this subject, who would the most thoughtful atheist equivalent be? Brian from Family Guy? Come on...
Phew. I thought there was something I really had to give a crap about here.
Good luck with that.
No, internet outrage is what this lad is trying to stoke, with his hypoerbolic and, might I add, bullshit comparison. My outrage is garden variety old person outrage at the continual cheapening and degrading of my cultural values by people whose favorite mode of communication is infantile sentences like "This exists…
Super. 9/11 is going to be the new "Nazi/Holocaust" reference when someone is trying to conflate an issue and evoke thoughtless internet outrage.
Huh. I can't say I've read this completely ineffective an article in quite a while.
Really? If I could lean in and duck for a little cover here and there, I think the game still would be perfection.
Kinda beating a dead horse, isn't it? Oh's Max Read. Never a trope too tired for Max Read.
You hold onto things a while, man. I felt we resolved this a while ago.
To date, I straight up ignore anything these people call a "plot" and play the fucking thing. I have no clue why these companies waste so much time, energy and resources, particularly in a strategic( we hope) shooter, on what amounts to window dressing and stuff I push the "B" button to get past.
How ridiculous. What is this a talent show where we all just fake it til we make it? No, I will admit, I have never bothered to self publish a Batman comic, but if I did, I can reassure you it would not be this subject matter, written this poorly or pretentiously. Has nothing to do with guts or skill. It's just…
Help me out. Where exactly in this response did I insult you?
You asked what I meant. I answered you in a civil tone and your response told me exactly how old you were. You don't ask an opinion and then say you "don't want a lecture" unless you're young and inexperienced. That you're married with a child is wonderful and I wish you well. I will add that havent read the…
I flaunted as much privelege as anyone does with an internet connection and a laptop. I commented on something which is submitted specifically for entertainment purposes for us all to cheer and I called it wrong. Let's not strain ourselves here. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Yes, I did, because you're an idiot. You missed my point too, clearly.
Junior, you fucking asked. If you don't like the answer, (or, more likely, if it went over your head), then that's your problem, but you asked me. So you get off your high horse first.
Here's the shortest answer I can give: In my view, the most important thing on this planet is human life. All of it. And I feel everything we do affects everyone else. I am a big picture thinker. So, if we know that, for instance, 2/3rds of the world can't get basic medicine and can't eat, and that we all could do…