
I am picturing a dog wearing a scarf, standing next to some one, farting, then giving the nearest persona dirty look.

Is Robin Ficker still a thing?

Everything anyone else is saying about how unfair the intern thing is true,

To be fair to Pickford, that misfire from Virgil had some really really crazy spin on it.

yeah , i voted for him because he’s a fail as a man, as an athlete, and an american. I can’t wait until Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is drinking mai tais out of Eric Trumps hollowed out skull and sending lumps like this guy to re-education camps.

No excuse.

Seriously, if you can’t include Chick-Fil-A, Hardees, and Jack in the Box, and sonic, what the hell are you doing. 

Can anyone point me to a more schmatic breakdown of what these guys are doing, an x and O type thing?

Isn’t Gruden trying to make the team tank, so his awfulness is not a bug but a feature?


I know he got the Caps first, and did get the Wizzies until Polian died, and he was always much more of a hockey fan.

I almost feel like Ted took the wizards as a favor to Abe Polian or something, like to save them from being under Dan Snyder.


Serious question: what did the Cowboys ever do to win black fans?  

Any Trump branded casino?

Tyrod “Doesn’t have the Intangibles” Taylor.