Doesn’t a replacement imply they had one in the first place?
Doesn’t a replacement imply they had one in the first place?
A brain replacement should be required for a majority of owners as well LOL :)
I’d bet most of those trump voters would struggle with the word ferrous.
Five years ago is no valid excuse. I don’t care how expensive it was - that just means you had no problems supporting the con-man with your money, and that you felt fine with him treating his workers like shit.
They bought a cybertruck.
Even without magnets, the Cybertruck is still pretty polarizing...
You’re still driving it, though, and I will treat you accordingly.
True, but there has always been something about Musk that rubbed me the wrong way much more than anyone else. It’s like I could sense the crazy lurking under the surface.
Bullshit, I don’t give anyone slack on Musk. It was pretty apparent, at least to me, that he was an eccentric egotistical asshole even back when he announced the Model 3.
Cute, but it’s no excuse for continuing to drive one.
“New” as in somewhere within the last decade. At least. After that, no one had any excuses for supporting the conman, the modern day robber baron. Yes, he has become worse, but he has had his psychopathy flag fly in public since his X (the pay app) days.
What a poor excuse: We want to support a fascist, but don’t want any blowback for doing so.
Being in the military isn’t a free ride to ignore anything you like, ya gotta wait til you get out and become a cop for that, and if you are late then you pay the late fee. Seems reasonable to me.
Thank you for your service.*
Well, he was obviously late and being military or not doesn’t change that, especially if it’s your own fault for walking away. But assuming his allegations are true, the gate agents can’t take money to open the gate again. Now I see how this is probably a pretty decent side hustle, albeit a pretty shady one 😂
How old is this person? He talks about himself and his family like he’s a wee widdle baby man, it’s kind of weird. And what the hell does diabetes have to do with cross-country racing? Is he gonna wipe out in a sugar dune and need his legs amputated? It kind of seems like a bunch of freaks trying to make a spectacle…
So worst case scenario, he crashes and is bleeding out. His mother can see it on the livestream and can’t do one single thing about it. So, totally pointless and didn’t increase safety at all, likely made it worse because of the extra weight on his neck.
Eh, certain vehicles attract certain types of drivers. We already knew Tesla drivers were below average in both skill and attention span. That’s why they bought the Tesla.
I’m just here to drink the sweet tears of the Musky Boys.