Fix It Again Tony

That top image looks like some RTS game.

move to other parts of the organization

Its the table at the bottom of that link.

Too bad it scored the worst out of the 7 cars on driver safety.

1000 planets?  Sounds repetitive already.

It is normal wear + 1mm on the front, not just 1mm.

Ok, I look around at their site.  It is basically an apartment complex without any resident parking.  $1500-$2000 for a 1 room apartment.

Additionally, will there be a performance advantage to offset the added weight of the V8?

I didn’t know that there are 40mph school zones.

Think of all the hate mail they will get if Xbox doesn’t have a feature that PS5 has.

They all should’ve been gone after COVID happened.

Slow car news day.

Searched my spam folder and didn’t find any ubisoft email so looks like its ok.

If all my ubisoft games are freebies do they still consider them “purchased games”?

Damn, so its not like checking that your lug nuts are tightened every so often.

How many shop hours?

Its got a key and an engine start button? Why not just go one way or the other.

More likely that the driver was out of control.

I wouldn’t let anyone take it away until insurance has gotten what they need from it.  Now they took away the evidence.

I use google maps because whatever I search on the PC I can save it to be used on the google maps app.