
parrots beware, edgelord on patrol

Requiring games to have their updates reviewed/approved/w/e is a tremendously awful idea, for logistic reasons alone.

wtf is with righters on this sight and “unphased”

i know they’re screams of despair but late at night when i hear the ducks fighting on the pond across the street i cackle

jesus sheep-riding christ, “unfazed” not that other abomination plz

then we should probably burn things down and start from scratch, like electing a leader with no political experience and virtually no impulse control

thx mr. biden

anyone know why the official AVClub vids on YT were removed?

i had words against that first part but upon re-consideration it’s very apt. doesn’t diminish its quality tho.

this is the comment of our times

strike 2

instructions unclear. currently driving roommate to ER with dishes lodged in their cavities. please advise.

bathroom time? that’s just cheating yourself

baggy faded pajamas? good?

why does that man have ginger eyebrows...only?

the irony of seeing the alt-right froth “SHILLARY LOST, GET OVER IT” is thick, considering trump never will

Was once out-of-town in SW Texas, miles from the border and came upon a BP highway checkpoint. Polite agents but shitty policy.

boarder patrol agents are responsible for making sure people pay for their lodging and meals on a timely basis, and that they don’t steal toiletries. that’s it.
