
“Applaud people that beat cyclists.” - Jesus

neither did putting paragraphs on movie posters, apparently

jesus i had nightmares about that and otherwise forgotten the movie

if you are black, what?

i guess i shouldve known from the jump / username fuckup

i thought this was funny until i read about the 2005 incident with the bouncing off dead sheep. that’s fucking hilarious

fuck i’m/we’re old

point is moot when fucking up it’s/its

My bathroom reading rotation recently cycled back to a collection of The Straight Dope (1994) and I was only half surprised to see that Cecil Adams also predicted Trump in a column or two.

are you fucking serious

i wouldnt be surprised if they wanted to do something like this, but the same local election officials whove been telling the admin/commision to GFY wouldnt get on board w it. they need something at the state level to disenfranchise.

internet is the best thing that’s ever happened to the whackjob community

oh hell naw

semi-related: anyone else out there eat burgers upside-down? i think i was traumatized at an early age by a soggy bottom bun half giving way.

he literally does not give half a shit about his cogdis and worse neither does half the voting public

ya sry was too lazy to ctrl-h, cheers

Like another commenter said elsewhere, they’re going to find people improperly registered (due to moving, etc.) and point to it as evidence, when that’s not what they claimed in the first place.

I dont think anyone has ever eaten a bollio.

“Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

late but relate: