this is so fucked up
this is so fucked up
how does this article being a Redford sequel tie in to the leading theories
also io9 readers
Learned a long time ago as a teenage worker, if the company wants you to pay for the shit first (knives, perfume, MLM/Herbalife) before selling it or doing the work, look elsewhere.
other non-player gaming tourney mvps include:
i had a black prof who also argued it wasn’t about slavery but economics
all the natural disaster michael bay apocalypse scenarios are hilarious.
id lay odds he had some delicious smelling product in his hair
cats? given less than half a chance theyd do the same
this is awful
and that apparently has never been proofread
sexy black farmer dude (i cant google it w/o getting porn) is living proof of this
if you don’t like it here go back to your own country
have you ever heard of jeremy bentham
srsly. think about how the head feels
i was honestly prepared to never stop scrolling thru that
“Sorry. To have Christian artifacts at the mercy of ISIS is ridiculous. The Green family, by acquiring these items, is preserving Biblical history that would be destroyed had they not intervened. That the Obama administration looks for ways to prosecute or persecute the Green family is no surprise. In this case,…
I love Chipotle but if you’re getting it to go, the colder it gets (bc cold ingreds) the worse it tastes.
props for big black but fuck that id rather be shot