
I haven’t read it either but I fell victim to the hype machine. I guess it’s the kid in me that ate up Greek Mythology. I have to find someone with access to Starz!

It is, and I didn’t, but it was the first Amazon Prime show I watched and was caught completely off guard by the raunch but it’s brilliant.

As a young’un I once got out of ticket because the cop that pulled me over (might have rolled through a stop sign) took a look at the ticket I’d gotten 20 minutes earlier for going 30 over the limit on LSD, laughed and let me go.

i like how you quoted and then pulled “hero” out of your ass as if anyone here even thought of using that word in this context

Been in the Midwest nearly my whole life and I’d never heard of Branson until that Do You Live in an Elitist Bubble? quiz.

Amen! Same here. Did you ever try the out-of-print Microsoft one? A little flatter and larger for the palm. I used the MS one in between using a wired and current wireless Logitech because the secondhand market prices are ridiculous.

youre undersmarting this. by a lot.

GoG is frontrunner for most overrated movie, ever.

please don’t tell me “it’s” is different in AAVE

bone chilling?

need a privacy clearing house

And he was married to that sexy bit part Westworld actress, not once but twice.

But Kellyanne Conway *is* ugly. To her core, where it counts.

triple down TRIPEL DOWN

Where in Rule 34

hope this guy gets repeatedly touched inappropriately

twins whitesox game (new comiskey) back in the 90s, me and my buddies spent most of the game heckling the right fielder for trying to keep his hands warm.

Mississippi Grind was a lot better than I’d expected, but it seems like the antithesis (Ryan Reynolds excepted) of a superhero flick.

Who do those immigrants think they are, with their neighborly attitudes, hospitality, and patient understanding? This is America goddammit.