
Wow. Fuck this church, and the public radio coverage I heard about this issue didn’t mention a single thing about its shadiness.

PB&J in any multitude of combinations. I always have PB on hand (2 ingred ONLY: peanuts + salt), sometimes almond butter, rarely cashew butter.

Does mail count? My favorite was from the IRS: same name, same school, but way different SSN, and apparently as a college student he somehow owed the government $30,000 in back taxes.

“frankfurt school”: when you want to use coded language two edgy steps removed from “it’s all bc of the jews”

better than taking advice from someone who has a 1:1 sentence to error ratio

username checks out

That doesn’t seem like a normal reaction for someone whose face is beamed to millions daily.

Dunno about funniest, but it’s very human and was so glad to see the full season after catching the pilot. Fucked up that CK produced that and then does this.

this is such a dumb take

You know how long they never kept national stats on that? Like, forever minus the last year or so.

missed an opportunity to use this last week =(

Where might someone get a hold of one of your pieces?

in a parallel universe, thousands of nerds came together to

fuckin lol at not naming the stadium

This movie made it into Criterion. dafuq?

working on my wife but it’s a losing battle

why stop at drinking

“if they would have”

They’re rebooting this from that show that came out the year Mandela died in prison.