
bet the kid’s glad instead of this being a temporarily uncomfortable experience

we did, others didnt.

is this a clue that youre ashley’s secret kinja

is the cartman dies thing a honeypot? i don’t even watch that show and i know it’s wrong

ya except they were to hate-downvote them all

rip dj jazzy garfunkel

came for the Choi foul flip, despite laptop melting from all the media, was not disappointed

Chicago used to have a 5-way chili place in Lakeview that I always used to pass by as a kid. Never had a chance to try it but now my regret is a little less.

embarrassed to admit i was hoping for a throwdown

literately +1

these comments make me resolve not to criticize flix i havent seen yet because even the author gets things wrong

why is it so hard for ppl to get it’s/its rite

Same (but on DVD), but also forgetting that I had read the photobook version of La Jetée a week or so beforehand and the deja vu fucked me up bigly.

FC Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires has a nice ring to it for a red state team

well said, even if your handle made me snort

I love variety and have tried all sorts of nut butters, jams, jellies, marmalades, and preserves, and I keep coming back to basic peanut butter (ingreds: peanuts, salt) and blueberry preserves.

Just getting back into the feel of tape as I panicked and realized every day I let go by without transferring home videos to digital means a greater chance I lose them forever. I was fairly shocked the VHS-C adapter I had in storage didn’t eat those crates of mini camcorder tapes I’ve been feeding it.

dang, i had that issue

Strawman. Didn’t accuse them of such, but sounds like they didn’t want to even acknowledge it.