
I love that the third Google result for “bulletproof coffee” is a Gizmodo article debunking its claims.

nice, but

Wearing shit that basically represents another country (Polonialand) to the most nationalistic international gathering of competitors there is? Yeah, I’m sure the Putinheads will love that.


you would be pretty bad at headline-writing

not always

“This confirms that Io’s atmosphere is in a constant state of collapse and repair, and shows that a large fraction of the atmosphere is supported by sublimation of SO2 ice,” study co-author John Spencer said in a statement.

Kinguin is the same grey market bullshit.

LOL @ a business selling a warranty IN CASE THEYRE SELLING STOLEN GOODS

That and with practice, you can do some of it hands-free.

as big a fan as i am of AACP cannot in good conscience +1 this

Comments and videos like this are the reason I keep my pc muted at work.

Guess the whole widget concept went right over your head, because those provide actual information. Unless you consider that “just...looking at the screen without actually doing anything”.

nothing like usenet references to make you feel old

now youre just embarrassing yourself

I grew up with a sugary cereal ban, but my wife got ahold of those and Golden Grahams (she didn’t grow up here) and my tradition went down the tubes.


gobless murrica!

double whoosh

unsurprising given support of that position