
The place I get my produce has a Latino clientele. Y’know, the kind that has five kinds of sour cream, 16 brands of tortilla, but only has white and wheat from one company. So there’s a broad choice in peppers but I don’t take advantage.

Can’t think of a couple more deserving of “unholy union” than Johnson and Rhee.


eh, I just sautee whatever I have on hand and throw it into whatever noodles i have on hand. dad food.

I rarely if ever venture into that red territory, not being a bottled sadomasochist, and those oranges only if the recipe calls for it.

I’m a dad, and I approve (of) this kinja.

It depends on the peppers. I sauteed three whole jalapenos for a pasta dish the other week and forgot to use gloves and nothing happened. Other times I’ve forgotten, even with something mild like poblanos, later I’m marveling at how I self-inflicted such nerve damage.

yes plz. i want a pop-up notification that zara has burned to the ground (figuratively)

shocker: billion dollar industry also relies on the medical findings of non-quacks to support the product of their billion dollar industry

moreliek an ennui and nihilism balm

ted cruzfish


ya stick to realm of expertise as implied by handle

[content entered]

same. it gets me thru the day.

disqus not fb

+1 of horror

dem maps doe

Polish flag is a giveaway too.