
Wow. So much bad in the top ten that I now understand why io9 got absorbed.

editing vs blank cell

DbtS or GTFO

be out there Friday?

VH Final Cut had the added bonus of being free if you owned all three of the individual titles. The first two were bundled (and might still be in one currently) and the dev distributed 66-75% off Steam coupons to entice people to pick up the third, which I did and got a code from the dev for my “free” copy of Final

some good points, lotsa shitty ones

holy crap i don’t even like cats and i agree

ima go a step further and say fuck cosmetics in general not just the lightening bullshit

No they fucking don’t; not all of them at least.

No shit you can’t. You can still kiss our asses, along with the Norris, Smythe, and 3 Cups.

Thanks for highlighting your deficiencies.

This article linking to a youtube video with the overlay: “I hate feminism / fight feminism / holocaust against feminism” is hilarious.

already feels like a punchline

thx for the monday LOL haloboi

One of the blessings of YouTube is visual documentation of “herbivore” brutality: deer eating birds, rabbits disemboweling snakes, sparrows murdering songbirds.

wrong Matrix

It’s the worst of the MCU because it’s formulaic, dull, and full of one-dimensional characters.

I’d hope just knowing Jolie Kerr disapproves would be enough.

This game’s predecessor had a worse one, especially disappointing after the great foreplay in the first act.

which are now on my screen