
Crying because I just remembered that I used the juice from a dozen limes for my chili but forgot to zest them afterwards.

I remember doing the shackle-lift-feel thing, but I can’t remember if I ever got it to pay off. Certainly didn’t get this involved.

Handmaid’s is a great tale, but your hyperbole there is almost as bad as the right’s Obama-fearitude.

this is dumb

dammit i forgot to check all the replies

yall some impressionable folks

lul Carol Stream. Stratford Square Mall Sears?

except when i thought phoenix down was like black hawk down

starred comments calling out assholes, but also don’t like snotnoseds

thats a fancy lookin mannequin

fuck is wrong w you

Most grown men look ridiculous with a backpack. Luckily, I work at a college. Also, I am not grown.

kickball way worse

I use a hand press and have never had a problem. Then again, when I was 6 and given a sip of beer, I thought I’d never drink it because it was so bitter.

you ppl have the worst children


lol nubz

eyebread fighters are my new fave

fuck both of them, one slightly less than the other