
So the scene where Bronn pulls Jaime out of the water makes zero sense to me. It distracted me for the whole rest of the episode.

But Tarly specifically told Jamie at the beginning of that scene that all the gold had arrived safely at Kings Landing. Its the very first line of dialogue that starts the final battle scene.

I agree it definitely looks like that but it wouldn't make much sense narratively. That is, why go through all the trouble of having Bronn save him from the dragon fire if he is going to die in the very next instant anyway? Seems pointless. Not impossible that that is what has happened but, like I said, it wouldn't

Most startups fail, yes. But most are based on pretty theoretical models. The whole point of pied piper is that it's a working incredibly effective compression technology that would certainly, in real life, revolutionize the way all of our technology works.

The Keenan Vortex notion was actually pretty funny to me. The question of the scalability of his demo is, or course, the first question any engineer would ask - particularly an engineer with a specialty in compression. The fact that all 3 Pied Piper engineers were sucked in without ever asking that question is

Yeah it was an exceptionally bad idea on the teacher's part. Really, how could that have ended well?

Her mother was american. She mentioned this in the previous episode.

I seem to remember the lock thing was explained as an irrational over-reaction to Kevin's fear of bears. Rebecca certainly doesn't feel physically threatened by William.

As a black professional myself, I can tell you with absolutely zero fear of contradiction that Molly's attitude towards therapy is something that ANY black person will tell you is extraordinarily common in our community at ALL class levels. Not a mental health professional myself but I would certainly be willing to

while the senior partner wanted Molly to put Rashida in "her place."

I did sense that myself and I felt like she should feel a little (not a lot but a little) guilty under the circumstances. The motives of her boss were probably mixed up with some unsavory racial assumptions, as well as an instinctive need to avoid her own unpleasant responsibility by unfairly coercing her subordinate

Well your perspective may differ from mine, of course, but I didn't think the humor was centered around the abuse itself. That is, it wasn't that it was funny that Darlene was being viciously beaten. It was that the scene of her being struck was constructed using sitcom conventions that normally manufacture the

Not just possible but trivially easy.

You mention Coates a couple times in your comment but you actually mean Humphreys. Coates is the one who raped Pennsatuckey. Humphreys is the head case who tortured Maritza.

"but most of the group being outright sociopaths is a bit hard to buy."

Well he might have over-promised a bit with the whole Pakistani Denzel thing.

Either spaces or tabs can be used in python, as long as its consistent. I generally use tabs but really, whatever code editor I am using handles most of the indentation. You don't really have to think about it too much with most modern code editors.

"He thinks she's a dick all the time."

Doubt they'll lose any money. Worst case scenario, film does like half a billion worldwide. But it will probably be closer to a billion than 500 million. They'll make a profit. But I also doubt they will make anything like what they were hoping for and at this stage, its pretty easy to see them changing their

I think you're mixing up a couple different parts of your argument here. What I am saying is that the sort of violation that we would be discussing if Fran had decided to say, destroy Hannah's diary because he didn't like what she wrote in it after viewing it without her permission is functionally similar to what