
I would say his reaction was more of anger at being attacked when he felt that he was the wronged party. It was his privacy that was being violated. In other words, it wasn't about her being "crazy." It was about her quite brazenly violating his privacy and then asking him to defend himself for something that, at

Also his donor, not daughter.

Sure. When else would she contact him? As he made clear, they aren't friends and he wants nothing to do with her. Indeed the only other time she contacted him was in fact to return his ring (not because she needed anything from him) and it went pretty badly. Why would she have ever contacted him again except for an

Thats a fair enough way to read it although again, he has to be assuming, at that point, that he is never going to see that ring again.

I actually forgot about that and about how silly it was.

Maybe. But I hope not. He really doesn't deserve it after his behavior in the diner. I mean really, I certainly agree its not unwarranted for Gus to be angry at Fiona but the sustained and deliberate abuse and knowingly putting her in serious financial difficulty out of pure spite, especially when it costs him

I get that Gus is a little salty still but, even more than the whole F-Word song, that was a real dick move. Honestly, its not like she killed his dog or burned down his house or something. They were in a relationship that really didn't work and she cheated on him. Thats pretty small beer compared to the

Even given the extent to which this show often stretches plausibility, that was an absolutely unrealistic amount of money for Carl to have, let alone to have saved and buried, regardless of how good he is at selling guns.

I guess what I am saying, more bluntly put, is that Carl is not someone who has typically shown a great deal of empathy or social awareness in his time on the show. That hasn't ever really changed as he has grown older. Aside from Frank, he has always been the closest thing the show has to an actual sociopath. His

"But I was left aghast when Carl, after V rightfully calls out his minstrel act, proceeds to co-opt her language about slavery for personal gain, an act so vile I’m not sure I can ever view the character sympathetically again, teenager or not."

5 episodes is a good number. I don't know if I have ever thought of that as a rule but that seems about right.

"No it's one thing to say a person's acting is poor, or that the music is dissonant to the emotion a scene is trying to evoke, it's another thing to say something is boring. Boring is a subjective view."

I agree that her actions were excessively harsh (although I don't think anyone really believes she would follow through on her threats). I disagree on your assessment of her motive. Again, at some point the easy thing to do for her to do with Deb or even Ian for that matter is to let them do whatever they want. Let

I don't think I agree with that assessment of either of Fiona's big speeches. In the case of her discussion with Sean, I believe she wants to give in to his need to know what is going on with her, but she also is determined to establish clear boundaries on what that means for their ongoing relationship. Its actually

That bit with Cary trying to get Alicia to come back made no sense to me but maybe I missed something. Isn't the whole point that she got fired because the RD character, who is apparently a huge client, didn't want to work with her? Has that changed? When did that happen?

I am not quibbling with the question of her motivations. Those are actually quite transparent. I am not even quibbling with the question of how or why she thought this sort of behavior was justified. There again, delusional or naive are both probably reasonable terms to describe her state of mind with respect to

Hmm. I guess I understand how she could get to a place emotionally where she thought her behavior was justified. Thats clearly what happened (and for the record, its truly awful and immoral behavior by someone who, while still very young, is mentally and emotionally mature enough to be held responsible for said

Right. I mean, what other reason would she have for lying about birth control except to trap him? Her puzzlement over that seemed odd to me. If she wasn't trying to trap him, then what exactly did she think she was trying to do?

IGH is apparently also inadvertently responsible for her powers as well.

"all because two stupid kids couldn't follow the simplest and most obvious instructions which is stay inside the safe zone"