Is it an unpopular opinion to suggest that actual cheese lovers have nothing to worry about?
Is it an unpopular opinion to suggest that actual cheese lovers have nothing to worry about?
The older boy is a red-head, too, which is why his burns were so much more severe than the younger boy’s. You didn’t include that the daycare workers were said to be teasing both boys because they were crying when their mother picked them up.
Although it sounds like the result of some freaked-out parent being annoying, these sunburns are legitimately terrible.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk
The responses here make me angry. Does this woman get no blame for what she did? Are we really banking everything on a mental illness and perhaps.. just selfishness?
Bengal cats are NOTORIOUSLY given up once they start reaching sexual maturity because they are pissers. They are literally still so close to being wild animals that theit urination habits can’t be confined to a litter box. So many rescues won’t accept them because who wants a cat that pees everywhere? Big cat…
Who cares about that hick Shelton! Nick Jonas just performed in a gay bar in London, while tied up in chains by drag queens. If he’s not the greatest musical artist of all time, I don’t know who is...
Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...
Girl, I love you, but Rihanna is overrated SOWWY
OH! OH! ME! ME! Can I tell my Shirley Temple story? Of course, I’ve totally screwed up the punchline just by the subject, but here goes: 8 or so years ago, maybe 10, I was in the local market in Woodside, CA. I grew up in the area and I am in my 50s, so I’ve met a lot of people and I am pretty terrible with facial…
In 7th grade, I chose to give a presentation on Shirley Temple Black and her post-Hollywood career. I think the assigned topic was just inspirational women or something. The internet wasn’t so hot back then, so I wrote her a letter, hoping for a form letter from her secretary to include in my report. Instead I…
The headline, like the previous Jez one “Bobby Brown Performs, Forgets Lyrics, While Bobbi Kristina In Hospice” makes it seem as if he’s not supposed to be doing those things while she’s dying. There is a definite negative tone, as if the man is supposed to constantly be at her bedside on a death watch.
Judges like her need to be thrown from the bench. I had a magistrate like that for my custody case as a kid. My mom had full custody of me and wanted to move out of state because she couldn’t find work. My dad, being the charmer that he was, refused to allow me out of state (I was 14, going on 15 at the time) and so…
Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with…
HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.
Avoid Lena Dunham and you’ll be fine.
And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.
Literally what
Well fuck me sideways. I’ve worked in juvenile justice facilities, and the idea that a judge would send a 9 and 10 year old — assuming against all reason that the 15 year old has actually done some unnamed thing to deserve this — to one to teach their older brother and mother a lesson defies fucking reason. If the…
I pulled this very classy move where anytime a guy tried to hit on me, I either asked him if he wanted to pull my string, or I filled my mouth with stage blood and asked him to make out while letting the blood pour out my mouth. Two dudes went for it!