My own personal theory is that the teachers who do this are the exact kind of people who peaked in high school, and wish they had never left.
My own personal theory is that the teachers who do this are the exact kind of people who peaked in high school, and wish they had never left.
I'm pretty sure doing things in order to get validation from strangers is how society happened. Oh god I hope you all like this comment.
Tell Nev that you won't punch him if he punches Adam. Nev sucks, he will definitely punch somebody else to save his own face.
I used to do this, too, and had to learn the hard way to stop sending gifts and cards in order not to be eaten up with resentment. I used to be insanely, reflexively generous in myriad ways, and tended to be dismayed and surprised when people took advantage rather than reciprocated. It took so much training but now I…
That blows. I must say I'm guilty of not replying to cards, though I often call when I get one because I miss my friends but between my terrible handwriting and boring life find it intimidating. I want to say, most importantly, Happy Fuckin Birthday, Bacon!
Sephora loves me too, but pretty sure that is because I get suckered into buying $50 BB Creams and lipsticks.
I'm not family but Happy Birthday 😃
His crimes could carry up to 30 years in prison.
If you can source a larger catamaran, and sail with 4 to 6 people it would be more survivable, you could go out to sea further than a smaller boat could survive. Optimal would be to take a freshly fueled carrier. Nuke can go 10 to 15 years between refueling, it will hold several thousand people, you could haul aboard…
Ehhhhhh I'm not really okay with this, and I say that as a heathen fallen Catholic who would probably think this image was hilarious under other circumstances. Kids shouldn't be validated for making fun of each others' differences. Also:
What I learned from this is Allison Janney is fucking awesome and also Easy A is the best teen movie ever.
"We" forgave OJ Simpson? Who the hell is "we"? And "we" did?! That's at least three beers talking.
i don't understand why we're bothering to pick apart the drunk ramblings of a woman in the heat of the moment. she was tipsy and just won the biggest award possible in her field while millions of eyes were watching. i'd be surprised if anyone manages to have a coherent thought on the spot after an event like that.…
It's weird that everyone is jumping on Arquette for portraying women, gay people, and PoC as non-overlapping groups. (Yeah, it's wrong, but are any of the other movements really any better about it? Not really.) I thought the issue was more how she approached solidarity between different movements, both in that she…
Fuck, this is so heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking every fucking time it happens. Leaving this here if anyone needs it:
God, I love Ingrid Michaelson. Her music videos are always, always on point. "Girls Chase Boys" is still one of my favorites. And all the male comedians! I still love Donald Faison from his adorable stint in Clueless.
Beyonce superfans are the absolute fucking worst and please, I beg of you, come the fuck after me.
You know who has really great skin? Beck.