several years ago, I bought a few boyfriend teas in the plus section at target. They are awesome. Thin, cute, I could layer them, they were year round, I wore them constantly. And they were $9.
several years ago, I bought a few boyfriend teas in the plus section at target. They are awesome. Thin, cute, I could layer them, they were year round, I wore them constantly. And they were $9.
i thought they got married?
add some balsamic vinegar to those Brussels sprouts. Amazzzzing
yeah, it's crazy. And I still the hatred from other religions towards Catholics.
as a catholic, I have had people tell me, to my face, that I'm vile scum for being catholic. And many other things.
ive heard of people doing this for a while. I think it's a great thing to do!
i never once got any "normal" conversations on dating sites. They would appear normal, and within a week of chatting, they would say horrible things. Throw around the word retarded, racial slurs, rampant homophobia, the most insane sexism. I was on the site for 3 months, and that was enough for Me.
i just kinda gave up. I can't handle more "lol you're fat, but I like that" or "mmm I like meat on my women" or "wanna fuck? I fuck goooood"
Have you read the bio on him as an air force pilot? Highlyrecommend
Yessssss. I uh once set my phone background to him.
my one cat has super long hair. It would be hilarious.
but.... But...... Whyyyyyy?!?
Oh SURE. Fox will do this, but not give us more firefly! #stillbitter
Shhhhhh we dont talk about the second movie.
I thought we all agreed to never ever ever talk about the second movie. Ever.
it was streaming on prime I thought?
what?! No! Not fair! I really wanted to see that. I was so looking forward to that.
noooooo it can't be!!!! I refuse to believe that. Nope nope nope.
my friend is fostering a baby, 1-2 months old. Her mother is a meth head. Who is currently in jail for I think 6 more months. When she gets out, and gets a place, she gets the baby back. The "mother" has lost 4!!!!! Kids because of drugs and booze, but oh let's give her a baby to try again! It makes me so fucking…
i was homeschooled during high school. I was constantly bullied, I had death threats, and I was beyond bored in class because the stuff we were learning I had already read and learned.