
The designs are meant to be closer to the original comics. I personally prefer the cartoon designs, but it ain’t “CalArts” like so many other cartoons nowadays so I don’t mind too much.

I wasn’t impressed when I first saw the art design. But I gave the show a chance and 12 eps in it’s really great. Shockingly great. It may not work for you, but I say give it a chance.

I’m curious if they were batched out into groups of 500 so maybe the total number is much higher.

Then Samsung should get the patents invalidated.

Ah, guaranteed clicks for Gizmodo. This is basically a shitpost for a tech blog.

Think about the law, in place for two years, and what that says for companies and their use of your data. Just because you’re fine with their handling of the data you give doesn’t mean that someone who is naive should fall into the trap. Just because its good for you doesn’t mean its good for someone else. Especially

Yes, the Luminiferous Æther is no more. However, in its place are quantum fields; we’re up to at least 18 “fields” that permeate all space. Each particle we observe, things like photons, electrons, etc, are excitations of its corresponding field:

This was fun, and the event looks to be the same way

Yes, but note his question is essentially asking whether people will be guaranteed to be able to continue to preach hate and bigotry.

Indeed. Pretty nutty.

It gives you that fuzzy feeling about it.... 

That is the squirreliest thing I have ever seen.

Good job for doing the right thing. Of course our children will still suffer the consequences of crippling global climate change and have to deal with the massive debt you guys are putting on the credit card while pretending it’s a tax cut, we still have the largest prison population in the world, and Americans in

Yes but it doesn’t forward the anti-Musk and anti-self driving car narative in the news.

The restaurant in question serves a set menu starting at $240 a person that includes smoked lobster and roasted pigeon (not including wine).

Has he no shame?!

Why is everyone hung up on the dogma that watches need to be round? There’s been a lot of fashionable square watches through the years. Hell, JFK wore a square watch:

If there are more tombs in the Valley they’re going to be hard to find. The modern Valley looks almost nothing like it did even a hundred years ago; early 20th Century archaeologists used the valley floor for their dumps, so any tombs low down are now under metres of rubble and asphalt.

I’ve felt that season 2 has thus far been off track and awkward but this was one of the better episodes.