
Is he, though?

Superman has the same problem that Deadpool originally had in Wolverine: Origins. The actor is right for the part, but no one else involved seems to understand what makes the character work.

Same. I’ve had an iPhone since the 3Gs days and never used a screen protector. Not a single scratch in that time. Took a week to get a scratch on my X.

“In terms of an evolutionary explanation, it serves two purposes—one altruistic, one selfish.”

The young female spiders probably won’t help take care of those bills the boys racked up majoring in industrial weaving.

IS anyone really surprised? Older females know what’s going on!

Liquid crystals. Duh.

reading this made think about what politics change what we call things on the map. Until the late 80's the Persian Gulf was the Arabian Gulf. Now there is the Arabian sea... But maps now are showing the Persian Gulf as (very small and below PG) as the Arabian gulf again. I lived there but do not know enough about it.

Outside of the keyboard I never use it. Hell outside of the keyboard I pretty much hate it. Not sure I would miss it too much given some things could me worked around with long presses.

apparently you’ve never read his twitter, the man is quick and witty and responds to questions personally. he’s not his best during the big presentations but he isn’t awful and when he describes a new feature or makes a video showing off the new ridiculous thing one of his companies is doing he has genuine charisma.

I’d have to disagree, the man has a charisma similar to steve jobs, he’s very good at hitting the right notes for his customers and making the vehicle appealing (from showing off “Maximum Plaid” mode in the next gen roadster to selling oversized blow torches as recreational flamethrowers the man has proven he’s got

Do I think Obama was out of line for calling him a jackass? No. If that’s how he feels, that’s how he feels. If I were Kanye, it would have felt like a punch in the gut though. He risked his career on live TV to make a statement about a racist President. We finally get a black President and he’s overheard clowning him.

Five years ago I wrote to a friend about Kanye West’s well-reviewed but (in my opinion) emperor-has-no-clothes,

moron bloviator befriends older moron bloviator.

Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer pales in comparison to Christ the Repeater. 

I bet they get immaculate reception.

Apple’s E-Waste Problem Will Take More Than Robots to Solve

I would agree with you if it wasn’t explicitly shown as the reason Archie faltered in shooting the Janitor. I get you’re not a fan of the direction it’s taking, but anyone who thought the Black Hood story had been finished isn’t really paying attention... ;)

We knew that the janitor couldn’t have been the black hood because he had different eyes than the guy who shot Archie’s dad