
All together now:

I have been very sluggish since I turned 40 (I am now 46). I’ve brought up thyroid issues with my doctor numerous times and he always tells me stuff like “welcome to 40". What supplements do you take besides iodine?

Trained economist here: here’s the thing...the current monetary system since we abbandoned the gold standard is completely bunkers and unsustainable. It is completely dependent on debt, deficit and printing more money. The ONLY thing holding up the value of the dollar is other contries’ TRUST that the US govmnt will

No one is stopping you from showing us how Obama used foreign assets to break federal election laws and destroy the evidence.

Protonmail is encrypted email. What you see on your end in gmail is essentially a little popup saying “view the encrypted mail”. If they set it to expire, you won’t have the ability to view that message after 2 hours.

A simpler way to think of it: They are not sending you a text message. They are sending you a link to

If you’re going to say that “The Blockchain” stores these links, could you not equally validly say that “The web” or “The internet” does the same? If Bitcoin has to be forced to shut down over this, shouldn’t everything else as well?

Humans are garbage

..sometimes posting multiple “twat”s a day—69 in all.

I cannot agree more with this.

Only Democrats can violate the constitution. Jesus says whatever the Republicans do in office is right and godly.

all those times the DoD spent time at Obama’s hotels right?

Put enough greenhouse gasses in Earth’s atmosphere and you could get a runaway greenhouse effect. It would take a lot, but if you go over a certain tipping point the process bootstraps itself.

I’ve read that the Wall was basically a bunch of ramparts when Genghis Khan conquered the world. When it was completed, it was designed to keep people in, rather than out, and at one point the invading forces were let in.

Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. Someone needs to send Trump a memo re: The Great Wall. Not only did it fail to keep people out, it also bankrupted the nation over its long construction.

Walls do work. Just ask the East Germans!!!

I mean for top of the line tech I’m surprised it’s actually only $200, seems like a small price to pay for such a massive increase in performance.

Bitcoin Cash reminds me of dogecoin, except instead of being a light-hearted experiment in stupidity, it’s just an experiment in stupidity. At least they have their own coin now, a natural harbor for their conspiracy theories and addiction to drama.

BCash is a fork of Bitcoin like many other coins. But it likes to think of itself as the original. Its like if CNN creating a site called and started posting crappy blog posts claiming this is what Gizmodo is and was meant to be. The guy who created BCash is odd

I am not going to listen to the song but if he’s all about dat crypto why is he holding stacks of dollar bills

i don’t get advertising or reviews that knock on the notch on the iPhone X or other phones, it’s a necessity in order to get as close to a full screen display. so Samsung just gave up possible screen real estate so they could have straight bezel across the top. i don’t get how that’s somehow better, that seems more