
What I don’t understand is why everyone is so fixated on that single moment where Sandmann is face-to-face with Phillips and his shit-eating smurk, completely ignoring everything that went on leading up to that point.

What do you want, Harriot?  You’re the most oppressed little boy on the block.  Nobody even comes close to how precious and oppressed you are.   Satisfied, you race hustling baby?

Maybe Rami Malek doesn’t read Gawker or take that site as any sort of serious news reporting? They did go down after refusing to remove the Hogan sex tape after all. So spare me the whole “Gawker was lookign out for these kids!!” when your own fucking manager at the website said he’d post videos of underage children

More fucking horseshit.

Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,

 You're being far too tolerant for modern leftists.

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Your calling Candace Owens a ‘pet negro’ just because she holds different views than you is the most racist thing I’ve heard in years.  And I’m a white southerner.  This bullshit publication only cares about black americans so long as they tow the party line.  

LOL.  Pwned.

TheEagles played like shit against Tampa, Tennessee, and Carolina, they deserved everything that came their way. I have no sympathy for this team for the way the played the 2nd qtr and beyond, and I’m an Eagles fan.

yes, but when they got “offended” by it they got off of their asses and actually did something to effect change. Maybe I’m being overly charitable towards Dwayne Johnson, but I read it as him criticizing those (usually young white people) who seek every opportunity to take “offense” on behalf of others (who didn’t

his recent comments to the U.K.’s Daily Star, in which he laments “generation snowflake,” were at least partially prompted by the controversy surrounding Hart’s old, homophobic tweets and the fallout of his gig hosting the Oscars.”

It’s better than stoning women, which puts us above the entire Middle East. 

When will this publication understand that its very premise is faulty.  Sometimes white people do bad shit and sometimes black people do bad shit.   And when they do, its because they are bad people.  Not because of their color.  So stop reporting “white person does bad shit” and simply “person does bad shit” (when

^This to a T!!! But this case was always about race. The Root was on another white person killing a black person again, local media was doing the same. They even tried to link it to the murder of another black person even thought that victims mother said it wasn’t race related.
This is the media and political climate

Your disappointment that the murderer is not a white guy is obvious.

It’s indeed depressing that this war criminal isn’t in prison for the rest of his life for all the people he had his robots murder, super-villain-style, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria...

Anyone who disagrees with me needs to shut the fuck up because my opinions are on a shaky foundation and I can’t argue my point or allow new viewpoints into my brain.

Actually, that was pretty sad. It’s not very nice to bully a person who’s in a bad place and isn’t allowed to work even though he didn’t commit a crime or anything. His apology was the sincere one. Obviously, it wasn’t written by some PR team and he admitted that his behavior wasn’t ok. It wasn’t criminally wrong or

Congratulations Race Hustling Michael Harriot! You may have topped yourself with this one. I have never read a more incoherent rambling piece of nonsense. The illogical associations in this piece remind me of an 8th grade book report. I don’t think you have what it takes to ever write for anyone besides the root.