
Just to be clear here, you are suggesting it is hypocritical for someone to both be against using this group as an “ideologically biased tool for their own politics” and not wanting to support a Nazi sympathiser?

Jezebel is a blog, not at all Journalism

You clearly don’t pay much attention to Dave Chappelle aside from what a few sources in your bubble spoon feed you.

This article sure has a lot of vitriol for people using the dictionary to define words.

Young male supports other males over the rights of real women. A tale as old as time. Yawn.

Sorry guys.  You’ll be embarrassed when this fad is over.  Men can’t have periods or give birth. 

Let’s applaud a near 50 yr old man for voting for the first time. 

now just promoting ripoffs of old memes

they remain well funded by us all clicking on these silly ass links and MST3K’ing them

Yes, Patrick, this unbearably cringey Twitter video made me weep grateful tears of racial comity and reconciliation.

as someone who is pro-BLM, of the opinion ACAB, is for defunding and abolishing, and loved Avengers: Endgame...this is some corny shit

I suppose it's not worth repeating but what the **** happened to this website.

i just cringed so hard i almost broke my neck trying to look away

Take down as many statues as you like. Vote in as many black politicians as you can. Black America will not move forward until its search for the culprit turns inward. When teenage black fathers quit abandoning their children and those children quit shooting each other only then will there be progress. But go on.

how is there an lgbtq community if they can’t reproduce without heterosexuality?

This guy was a hero, but he said faggot once, so libtards hate him.

when it comes to stand up comedy , if the av club likes it , it’s probably not funny.

(In fact, there are no audience reaction shots at all during Douglas.)

Was her “realistic expectation” to get a single laugh on her supposed “comedy” album? Based on how shitty Nanette was, I’d say that’s setting the bar pretty damn high