
“When white people decide to die. . .” God you’re despicable.  Keep race hustlin’ Damon Young.  Maybe one day you’ll be a real journalist.  

Did you know that houses owned by black Americans are undervalued by an average of $48,000 per home?

You think graffiti is news? Bwahahaha. There’s a stall at UIC with a few N-bombs on it. Send a few Root reporters there ASAP. 

Shift those goal posts Monique, you race hustling hack!

Is it hard to wake up every morning just begging to find shit to get offended about and self-victimize yourself over?

While all the women of color are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back about Queen Latifah and MoNique the first plus size woman to be featured in a rom-com was Ricki Lake in Hairspray in 1988. It had Ruth Brown and Debbie Harry in it and it was directed by John Waters. Respect to all ladies of color but

So a crazy white person who wants a cookie for hating on whitey.  

Baby Boomers 1997 - Don’t believe anything you see on the internet!

Avenatti is an opportunistic shitfuck. And you can quote me on that.

“bombastic grifter”

It’s only possible when they attack Obama, violating the sacred oath of race trumping sex on the intersectional hierarchy. You may recall the same thing happened when HamNo called out Obama for “not doing enough for the people with his post-presidency.”

Pretty racist to describe a black president as “not getting it”.

Nope not sexist.  He didn’t mention your sex at all.  And you’re not a journalist.  You’re a hack.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Chill, child.

Barack Obama was dealt the worst hand of any president in history. And what did he do with it? He turned it into f*cking aces.


seriously! i don’t get  how pretending that Obama did nothing because you think he didn’t do enough is productive in any way. 

He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.