
Look, no one can deny that the issue of abortion is divisive. For example, some people feel that women are human beings whose control over their own body isn’t handed over to the state as soon as some guy knocks them up, even against their express wishes and consent. Others think, “Nuh-uh.”

I’m pissed at the other side for refusing to understand my position, so I refuse to even address their position. That’ll change their minds.

Actually, other people don’t think “Nuh-uh.” They think you are exterminating a human being.

I’m probably going to get crucified for this, but as stupid of an idea as this is there is a tiny quark of truth buried in it. There is a fringe element of intellectual and ideological totalitarianism that exists on the left: see the Jezebel feminists attacking Marget Atwood and Germaine Greer, the people who defend

Yeah blowing a guy is a clear sign that you’re not into it.

I’m pretty sure she’s not going home with this guy if he’s Aziz From Tech Support.

Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.

You can’t get into the purity fest of who is the biggest victim. It’s an endless circle jerk.

I don’t get why anybody has to have the hero be their race/religion/gender to relate. Hell, even species. Why can’t they get by the actions alone? I don’t need to be like the person or thing to feel anything and I don’t feel anything more when they are like me, which in America is very few and far between.

Only a POS RACIST like YOU would politicize the story of a little boy who has been victimized at school. This topic has NOTHING to do with the mother’s  opinion of the flag. Go F yoyrself. Im sure if she supported the racist BLM group you’d be ok with that.

What the hell does “white as fuck” mean? And why can’t he say “homey” and “homeboy”? Are you suggesting he’s culturally appropriating words that should only be spoken by PoC?

Rapaport is inarticulate, but happens to have a point.

Bollocks. White Nationalists and the Alt Right HATE Milo. Your definition of the alt right is as broad as you see fit.

Is there something wrong with being anti-sjw?

Condemning those who stand for the anthem is at least as bad as condemning those who don’t. All it accomplishes is creating a distraction and increasing the racial tension, division and alienation that already exists in the country.