
Tulsi pretty much destroyed her credibility. 

You people are fucking fucking retarded  

Ab club excited about a weezer album.  Hard to imagine this was once the home of Nathan Rabin and a slew of the best music critics around.  Now it’s just mediocre clickbait. 

Lol.  It’s easy to take guns away from Canadians.  They’re pussies.  

All the writers on The Root are fake ass blacks. All the black people I know are strong and successful and don’t whine about dumb shit.  They make their lives great.  Writers on here want to keep black America down so that their job status writing for clickbait will pop out more. 

It’s really refreshing seeing leftist media have the courage to write something like this.  So many people who came down hard on Kavanaugh have been silent about Biden.  I’m pretty sure we have very different opinions about everything but your consistency and upholding a standard when it’s your guy on the line is

Remember when the AV Club used to be one of, if not, THE BEST film and music criticism?   Now it’s just clickbait with articles like this.   I’m fairly certain they Alex Mclevy and Sam barsanti are actual real life retards. 

Liberals Clarify They Only Want Black Voices Heard When They’re Saying Liberal Things 

Dey prolly turnt her way cuz she blak 

What are these idiotic fake religious beliefs you speak of?  

Remember when A.V. Club used to be legit?   This list should be called “Movies on Hulu”

Gotta love it when a publication that believes a man can become a woman overnight starts espousing the virtues of science. 

When the little girl walks in and sees the Asian lady doing that primal wailing I lost it.   I’m still laughing.  

If you replace “Austin Police Department” with “African Americans” the title is just as accurate  

*YAWN*. Oppressed.  YAWN

...and now here’s SA with a rap!

I thought James gun was cancelled.  Oh wait.  Forgot that this woke crowd only cares about canceling if it’s a person they disagree with politically. 

Congrats to Jay Connor who has finally grown up. No Jay, you don’t get to decide what the public accepts. You don’t like Hogan being reinstated? Tough luck.  Bubba Wallace says Larson deserves a second chance? Guess what? His opinion matters. Yours doesn’t. Accepting this is called adulthood. Welcome!