
Going through the details of your life that justify being a self absorbed person? Check Liberated. Check IntimateNot really ending any song without making dolphin noises, inserting barking dogs, general howling? Check Experimental. Abruptly making it sound like you are recording on a street corner with someone

If you agree with the tone of this email, you are a fake black. 

I love being lectured to by a humorless lump of bitterness.  Looking forward to the sequel as well!

Hm.   This sounds remarkably similar to white Easter.  It’s almost as if the way people celebrate Easter isn’t defined by race.  But I guess that’s not what race hustlers like you want to hear. 

If we could go back in time and show Nathan Rabin and Josh Modell that there would be critics on this site ferociously dismantling their legacy praising shit films just because they are streaming by a site that is paying .... what would they say?   

Everything illegal is laudable if it shows grrrlpower!

I love the way he decides to announce the existence of the comedy special but thinks he’s going to negate the sales that could create by not posting a link.  Lol.  I just bought it.  Sorry AV Club.  Nobody gives a shit about your rules for what isn’t funny.  That’s why people will continue to follow Louie, Chappell,

The women gave him permission  

What kind of self absorbed asshole takes the death of their friend to make a poorly reasoned self righteous political point just days after their death?   This level of narcissism is pitiful.  May god bless you. 

Little miss sunshine?  Jesus Christ do I ever miss the days of Nathan Rabin when the AV Club had film writers that knew film.  RIP

In answer to your 8th grade level thesis question, probably not when you’re delusional and see race in everything 

Congratulations Michael “race hustler” Harriot. You managed to top your most retarded article yet again with this little gem. 

Or partisan liberal NPCs who do whatever the woke crowd says 

I hope she launches a workout series explaining how perfectly healthy she is and how the “obesity causes heart disease” is just a myth.

Give the root’s propensity for dropping race into every single story I’m wondering why they didn’t mention this murderer’s race....hmmmm

Did you just scroll through netflix and list the first few handfuls of shows that popped up?  That 70s show?   Really?

The Deuce is fucking terrible. 

Why am I not surprised to find out Michael harriot is more of a spades player than a chess player?

People on this site will not hear the point you are trying to make because it would require them to Relinquish a bit of their sense of moral superiority.  

Sugarcoat it however you like, but At the end of the day she still killed her baby.