hottakes and maple syrup

So... why wasn’t there outrage at the time?
It’s VERY convenient of you to call them all pouty babies now. Why didn’t you think so prior to it being convient cover for you opinion on Newton?

This is tautological.

And if the Panthers won, you know this guy woulod blame Newtonf or all the money Broncos players “lost”.

When it gives them a chance to complain about the evil that Cam Newton.

Did Newton break any rules about the interview?
This a league that has rules about how high your white socks can go. If Newton didn’t break one of their rules about talking to the’re not complaining about professionalism. You’re complaining because you wanted more. Which is fine...but those aren’t the same

That is answering the question. It’s not giving the answer you wanted.

Your comment is horseshit. Point to what outlined duty Newton did not perform. Not your imagined role for him.

Did he violate the league’s policy on being available to the press?

Odds this complaint about “being unprofessional” was typed at work?
Any guesses?

True. Promoting Budweiser and Papa John’s in the onfield celebration is much more palatable than enjoying one’s accomplishments.

Sports fandom is dumb. It makes people dumb.
See: all Gatticus Finch’s comments in this thread.

When Peyton Manning refused to shake Drew Brees’ hand after losing the Supre Bowl where was your outrage? Where was the outrage of sports fans?

It’s even weirder in the facebook era, when these same people THEMSELVES post the platitudes for all the world to see. They love the platitudes so much they use them to interact with their friends, instead of saying nothing or saying something, either of which would be an improvement.