Torqued Up
Diesel Cheats
Torqued Up
Diesel Cheats
The answer is chalk paint.
Does that thing have a clutch? Sounds like it’s gone now.
I’ve been waiting for this article!
I always go back to the 3 car garage idea, basically a car for every mood or setting. A Porsche 911, a Range Rover, and some sort of luxury sedan - this is an Audi RS7 for me at the moment.
B Town represent!
Not a fan of the S7? Beautiful car...but this is nice, too.
What are the laws surrounding remote parking in the U.S. ?
You should probably just Google it. Or Wiki it.
Yeah, no. Not a bicycle kick.
Hi Doug - Should I apply for credit on the VW site before going to the dealer, just to get an idea? Or is it best to go to dealer, haggle price, then check credit for the lease?? I assume VW would send its dealers a record of me applying for credit? I don’t want to play my cards too early.
Hey CJ! Who drives the worst car in baseball? Who drives the best car in baseball? Feel free to choose yourself for the latter.
Look at that sick curveball
There’s also the Xfinity TV Remote app, which is great for all those times you lose your actual TV remote.
Is it bad that I just started laughing as I saw the headline? OF COURSE they are building one.
Also LOL @ Yo Soy Ballghazi
I can confirm that the 10.7% brew ALSO tastes exactly like root beer. Best stuff ever. I have my friend in Chicago ship this stuff to me on a semi-regular basis.