Al Jazeera Chrysler Jeep

Since Jastremski and Brady have been to multiple Super Bowls together, it’d be VERY INTERESTING to juxtapose cell data (patterns and frequency of communications) from this year to previous years. I’m not a gamblin’ man, but I’d bet that they became best friends in 2015! “Super Bowl mode” my ass, Tommy.

Project Gotham 2 on Xbox. Specifically Cat and Mouse on the Nurburgring. Teams of 2, with one player as a Mini Cooper and the other as a supercar (Zonda, Enzo, etc). First Mini to survive the opposing supercar beatings and to cross the line wins!

It’s a banger

In any event, the 4 series gran coupe is farrrrr better looking than the 3 series sedan.

Blue keyboard cover...?!

That concept is pretty Intrepid...

Not sure about that - I think you'll still be delinquent/in default even if you make 1 payment. You would need to catch up on all missed payments, get in the green, then you're good.

Question: Do most super/hyper cars automatically put hazard lights on when in some sort of sport or race mode? I've been seeing this a lot recently, and it may be stupid/obvious to some, but I've been wondering why.

Does BBC have any rights to the show? If not, let's just do it on another channel! Think Anthony Bourdain, Mike Rowe, etc.

My first car. A 1995 Saab 900 SE. Plagued with electrical problems, a radio/info display where only 60% of the pixels worked, etc. I loved it though and if I win the lottery, then I'd get another. Why not?

Is this supposed to only be here? Not that familiar with the car but it just looks strange to only be on the one side of the car.



Hey BBC - Ambitious...but, rubbish move

Please do not use regular cigarette tobacco. Use a Dutch style blend for a muchhhh smoother taste. Seriously - the right amount of this will make your joint go down beautifully, and you will look so hip doing it.

Wowwwwwwww. Much want.

LOL at this phone though

"Littoral" is soooo SEO-friendly

I work in Wayne and will gladly roll down my window and yell at Land Rover Main Line for you. And if anyone else wants to start a Yelp war, that'd be cool.