
I hope some reputable scientific organizations with no connection to this project are monitoring its results by making their own tests. Not inclined to trust data generated by people motivated by profit or to escape legal liability for the results.

I thought OLEDs still had an efficiency problem in turning electricity into light.

Seriality might be a testable hypothesis now with the right kind of data mining.

In the late 1800s-early 1900s, several papers were published in scientific journals proving the impossibility of airplanes.

the amazing part was finding the camera. After that, not being able to recover all or at worst, most of the images would have been a surprise. Though if the camera had been bashed hard enough to damage the SDHC card inside it physically, it might take some specialist skills to make that data recoverable.

What if it's the cloud data center that got trashed in a quake and there is no backup facility? People take too much for granted when they hear the phrase "the cloud".

I wonder how profitable this project was for Russ George. I doubt the cost of the compound was more than a few hundred dollars per ton.

Why not a universal "Biohacked" symbol so that people with experimental implant technology can wear USB thumb drives around their necks with full documentation on what they are, what they do, and what they are made of, with ER personnel trained to look for them under circumstances when device failure is the problem or

What about the legal side? Getting experimental implants legal at the Federal level so doctors who want to work with patients to do implants, engineers who want to come up with cool surface mount implantables assuming informed consent/liability waivers can do so without worry about getting sued or prosecuted, and a

Great response, but are you absolutely certain that passage of gay marriage won't turn Emmett C. Burns Jr. into a lustful cockmonster? Though I agree that this will have zero effect on the great majority of heterosexual people, other than our getting invited to a lot more weddings and those of us who provide wedding

Building a portable version of a complete technology ecosystem / infrastructure certainly qualifies as a serious challenge. I think your timeframe extremely optimistic, but agree that now is the time to start.