

Why is this guy so popular? I feel like I dislike him on principle just because of being bombarded with hipsters fanboy/-girling over him all the time. What does he actually do?

Is there any way she's being tongue-in-cheek?

Ugh, GLAAD really annoys me sometimes.

Sometimes you just gotta lay a motherfucker out.

I'm sorry, but all I got from this article is that women are superficial about their careers. Why can't a woman who is passionate about a science study and do research on a field she likes? No man chooses science because all the cool boys are doing it.

I'm not sure about how I'd feel about it either, as thankfully the situation has never presented itself. All I can say is that I practice regularly (in Texas, guns as a hobby is almost mandatory (queue Texas jokes

Next evolutionary psychology will tackle this concept called "fun".

I just wanted to give you some support. I don't know if I agree with you morally, but I am horrified that you came with an argument, wrote cogently about it, and people either misconstrued your point, or came up with rude things to say to you. That's not fair and it makes me sick that these are the people who are

I am vehemently pro-choice and do NOT see abortion as a horrible thing. That said, I really am appalled by the mob mentality bullshit we are seeing here. I mean, how DARE you express an honest opinion respectfully, reply with a respectful attitude through the first zillion rude and nasty personal attacks you get in

Comparing this statement to how eloquent and intelligent Brand usually comes across in interviews... I don't think too much "equalness" was the problem.

Their 'tocks are seriously out of control.

So you're supposed to look exactly the same as you did TEN YEARS AGO? Who are the clueless, out of touch assholes who crap like this and let's see what they looked like ten years ago! Oh, what's that you say, 25-year-old dumb ass tabloid writer? You don't look anything like you did when you were 5?? BETTER LAY OFF

"I want my daughter to find out about female anatomy when she gives surprise birth in the toilet at sixteen years old — like everyone else!"

I thought a Jew Down was like a KFC Double Down except it's two pieces of roasted chicken breast with gefilte fish and charoset in the middle.