
on behalf of all Turks living everywhere, I apologize.

I feel your pain. Believe me, so deeply.

Well if your elders tell you to do something, then it must be right.

You're looking for logic?

fuck india

was this an advertorial?

You live in ohio and work at Texas Roadhouse. What did you expect?

Oh, thank goodness humanity has her defending its freedoms. Where would we be without her? Fuck off for fuck's sake, you and your perfect tits.

I was just getting used to feeling bad today, and then I see this. Good grief, can someone please make a GIF of this so I can watching it forever?

it's prescisely that, dance fucking poor fucks, dance...

That was the show!

the one time I saw them it was 89 and junkie threw up on me, I got thrown to the ground, and someone stomped on my head. It was awesome.


I really hate it when I see my boss cry. It's happened a few times, and each time I wanted to quit.

oh shut up.

Cynical much?

Yeah, rare breed these old timers.

Hey, you're not alone. I just got laid off yesterday. It's a fucked up place, this world. But we carry on, don't we?

Why the hell would anyone want to see everyone they know die? It's conceivable that she outlived her kids and grand kids. What the hell's that good for? I wanna die at 90. That's fair. But ask me again when I'm 89, I may have changed my mind.

Puppy anything cures my anything.