
Nothing bad here. Plus she sounds like she was being funny about the endorsements thing. God she's so perfect. I'd strangle half my family to be with her.

I've noticed a huge difference between American kids and Turkish kids. Turkish kids don't act up as easily, and are taught respect early. Like kissing hands of adults, and showing a lot of reverence for the elderly. My dad would have twisted my ear if I didn't help my elderly neighbors carry their groceries upstairs.

Yeah but what about the car damage??

you'd choke him out? Wow. Bravo you tough guy, you.

Sometimes there's no long string of events and you have to act quickly. It's a nightmare but it happens all the time. I used to live in Venice Beach and before that in Istanbul and let me tell you, shit happens at the drop of a hat in those places. It's better to be armed than not But equally important not to get too

Haha!! Try that in Texas.

Mostly white? who were the non white people clamoring to get in? That's what I wanna know.

Happened to my brother. Stage four throat cancer. Nearly killed him.

I love when things like this happen. Like Mel Gibson but with more butter.

i never wanted anything to do with your body. Nor did I say abortion should be illegal. Ok I'm done here. Have a nice day. (Sincerely)

It was a mistake. I recognize it since its not really what I believe. But thru the back and forth I think I've corrected it.

Wrong. I'm pro choice. I think states should have no jurisdiction in a woman's womb. How am I not pro choice? I respect a woman's right to choose what she does with her body. whether they are morally right or otherwise.

I agree my first comment wasnt complete. If you read the rest you get a better idea of where I stand. there are a lot of variables.

Really? i disagree. I think that in her situation aborting her pregnancies was highly immoral. Should I have sugar vacated my beliefs because your skin is thin?

Agreed. It's a bad experiment and funny that a philosophy prof wouldn't see the gaping logical hole in it.

The weakest argument in the book. that person didn't ask or do anything to have that violinist attached to their body. While a woman and man must have sex, usually unprotected, to become pregnant.

If the challenge is to voice my opinions, argue, I'm up for it. If the challenge is to fend off personal attacks and constantly repeat myself, then no.

Why can't I have an opinion? I'm not allowed?

Sure they fail, not often but they do. And I don't know too many communities where there is zero access to contraceptives. There is an unwillingness to use them which is a far bigger problem than the minority of people too poor or uneducated to use them. Look I never said she should be denied an abortion but to