Alister Fuzzwater

You're piloting a small Cessna 172 over the Pacific ocean on your way to a movie premiere with James Franco. He's starring in his latest teen thriller - Spring Breakers 2. As you sore through the sky he accidently spills Mountain Dew all over the control panel and blows pot smoke in your eyes. You loose control and

James Franco. The Cause of and solution to all of life's problems.

I always expected C-3PO to be the one who came out as a smoker.

Countdown to Kanpocalypse

This is great news. It'll give me extra time to stock pile Sex Wax.

No. No. No. There is 5 shots in the first 10 seconds. There is a full trailer out and because what I see in this one-minute trailer is enough to make me know it's going to be a bust.

Senior Spielbergo! What do you have to say for yourself?

The first Jurassic Park came out over 20 years ago and yet the Dinosaurs look much more realistic. Another CGI crap fest on the way.

George R.R Martin, you are too old and unhealthy to write at such a cavalier pace.

You sir, have won.

Blast. I guess I'll stick with what I know. Alone time in the bathroom.

I'm no scientist, but how's that now?

I prefer The Royal Typewriter Company

Does that mean you're 8?

If vinyl is a fad, then what the hell am I going to do with all these record players my dad gave me?

When is HeroQuest going to be re-released?

That is the only way this will have a happy ending.

Who will Dave's last guest be in May? Regis? Bill Murray? Some sort of zany hybrid.

Digital rules everything around me….DREAM….digital dollar bills ya'll