
I liked Ground Floor. It certainly wasn't ground-breaking, but it was cute-funny. It's Cougar Town I'll miss most, as I've been dedicated to that show since Day 1. In fact, it's been my favourite comedy since its premiere.

Read any Casey interview and you'll see that Kirby is a huge, major influence on him.

I need it. I need it now!!!! Joe Casey is the best!!!

She was pretty hilarious(ly bad) when she played Sharon Collins on The Young and the Restless.

I love Ellen but it sounds like she's mostly just got her name attached to the show and isn't really part of its creation.

Recast with Lady Gaga. What? They look alike!

I need to know if it's fair trade and organic.

The Bounce had such a big idea that I'm not even sure I know what it was about. I think he was suggesting fictional worlds are real and accessible? I don't know. He's said The Bounce reads better in its collected form rather than the single monthly issues.
Speaking of collected editions, will Automatic Kafka ever be

Needs more Sex. Between Sex, The Bounce, and Catalyst Comix, Joe Casey was on a roll this year with great comicbooks.

I'm not on Team Harmon. It was a real douchebag move to play that private voicemail from Chevy in front of a crowd.

Hmm. I thought Chevy and Dan Harmon were archenemies. Well, I'm glad to hear this.

Also, life has no meaning, so that's kind of conversation is a waste of breath.

That's not very decisive.

Agreed. I like my friendships to revolve around my friends liking what I like and agreeing with me.

That's pretty intense!

I prefer to. Gives us more to talk about/less to fight about. Otherwise, what is the foundation of your friendship built on?

Good thing we're not friends.

I enjoyed Coven up until the last few episodes.

Murder House is excellent, the best season for sure. Coven is second-best (it's campy and a gay man's wet dream, and I'm saying this as a gay man who loves camp). Asylum was slightly better than Freak Show, which is past the point of saving. The only reason I'm still watching AHS is for Dandy. I love Dandy!!!!

No. Murder House is the best. Asylum and Freak Show are tied for the worst.